The Ministry of Infrastructure and the State Water Holding Polish Waters cordially invite you to the third and last conference as part of public consultations on the draft program for the protection of sea waters (aPOWM). On October 5, in Szczecin, representatives of the government administration and experts will meet to discuss the results of work on the document aimed at maintaining and improving the condition of the Baltic Sea. We invite all of you to register and take part in the discussion.
On August 31, the public consultation on the strategic environmental impact assessment of the aPOWM project ended, and on October 5, the public consultation on the program draft itself will be officially concluded.
All information about the form of submitting applications and comments to the project can be found in the CONSULTATIONS tab. We still count on your vote on the protection of the Baltic Sea!
The sea water protection program is an important element of the marine strategy implemented in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Water Law Act. During the conference, the key results of analytical and design works as well as proposals for remedial measures to improve the condition of the Baltic Sea and its protection will be presented. The conference will also be an opportunity to summarize the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment procedure for the draft aPOWM document.
We invite you to participate in the conference and online debate. Registration and the meeting agenda are available at: https://chronmorze.eu/en/conferences/.
Let’s save the sea together!