During the World Oceans Day, on 22 March, the Baltic States will celebrate the Baltic Sea Protection day, founded by the Helsinki Committee.

The goal of the event is to make the international community aware of the urge to undertake immediate actions in order to improve the condition of the Baltic Sea. One of the most shallow seas in the world, it is also one of the most polluted water body. The core threats endangering its ecosystem include the progressing eutrophication connected first and foremost with the influx of biogenes from the land-based sources, intensive and unregulated fishing, wastes that end up in the seawaters.

Those and other threats have already been identified and analysed as part of the National Sea Waters Protection Programme (KPOWM). The document describes the measures and actions that need to be taken in order to maintain or improve the Baltic Sea’s condition – there are 57 of such measures in total (including administrative, legal, control, education and investment steps).

The draft National Sea Waters Protection Programme will conclude the multistage process required by the Framework Marine Strategy Directive, which introduces integrated marine policy on the national, regional and EU level.

Until the 29 of March, everyone may submit your comments to the draft KPOWM.

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