KZGW has completed the consultation process and consideration of the comments submitted to the KPOWM draft. During public consultations, which ended on March 29, 2016, institutions and residents involved in the protection of the Baltic Sea, submitted 256 comments to KPOWM and the EIA forecast.
The main task of public consultations was to establish a social dialogue with the stakeholders of the National Sea Water Protection Program, as well as to check whether the problems, goals and recommended measures identified by experts, included in the KPOWM draft, are acceptable to representatives of various social groups.
During the preparation of the final version of the draft, the submitted comments were analyzed, and a significant part of them was included in the document. In total, 256 comments were received, of which almost 66% were taken into account and 16% were partly taken into account. Only 17% of the comments were not included in the final draft of KPOWM, for which appropriate explanations were prepared.
More than 150 comments from the consultations concerned the main document of KPOWM. The remaining ones concerned most of the appendices to the program, and only a few comments were directly included in the content of the EIA. Out of all the submitted comments, as many as 244 were substantive comments.
Their comments and proposals were sent, among others, by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Maritime Search and Rescue Service and the Maritime Offices in Gdynia and Szczecin. WWF also submitted 15 comments to the document.
Notably, in the opinions and letters submitted, the majority of units positively assessed the prepared document and the analytical work carried out in a relatively short period. A collective study of the submitted comments and their analysis, the manner of consideration and conclusions will be presented on the website
KPOWM will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, and after interministerial consultations – submitted for approval by the Council of Ministers. The accepted document will be sent for evaluation to the European Commission.
KPOWM will be a catalog of recommendations to be implemented by water users and the administration.