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The President of the National Water Management Authority is taking the opportunity to inform that in line with the provisions of the Water Law, the process of consulting the draft National Marine Waters Protection Programme (NMWPP) and the strategic environmental assessment has started.
The draft of the most important strategic document for the Polish part of the Baltic Sea published on 8 March 2016 is available at www.chronmorze.pl. Based on the analysis of the current environmental status of the sea, the NMWPP sets forth targets and the scope of measures necessary to be undertaken in order to maintain or improve the aforesaid status.
The Baltic Sea’s status has been determined by 11 core indicators, out of which, as many as 5 require improvement and only 4 are consistent with the approved standards. In the nearest future, Poland should focus on ensuring applicable biodiversity or reducing inflow of substances that cause uncontrolled growth of harmful organisms (e.g. cyanobacteria).
We would like to encourage you to take time to acquaint with the draft Programme and use the electronic questionnaire available on the website to send your comments. Paper version of the document is also available in the headquarters of the National Water Management Authority and the offices of the Regional Water Management Authorities in Gdańsk and Szczecin. You will find the addresses of the institutions on the website www.chronmorze.pl.
The NMWPP consultations will be carried from 8 to 29 March 2016.
The President of the National Water Management Authority is obliged to draft the Marine Waters Protection Programme pursuant to article 61 paragraph 1 of the Act of 18 July 2001 The Water Law (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 469, as amended), whereas, it is consulted in the course of public consultations pursuant to article 61 section 5 of the Act.
The assessments of the forecasted impact of the draft “National Marine Waters Protection Programme” on the environment are completed as part of the procedure dedicated to the environmental assessment of the consequences of the implementation of the plans, referred to as the strategic environmental assessment.

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